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Neuigkeiten vom Tennisclub Unterlüß e.V.

TCU now international!


The „Tennisclub Unterlüß e.V.“, now international !

We are proud to welcome two new members on May 1st. Especially since these members are Indonesian citizens who will be in Unterlüß for business purposes until September. Both are ambitious tennis players who usually enjoy the sport on hard courts in their home country and are happy to have found a sports community here in Unterlüß.

Indonesier 472x479

Our new members: Mr. Maha Made (left) and Mr. Dharma Bayu (right)

The Tennisclub Unterlüß warmly welcomes Mr. Maha Made and Mr. Dharma Bayu and wishes them a good start into the new tennis season. Both gentlemen do not speak German, but speak English very well. Mr. Maha Made and Mr. Dharma Bayu are interested in not only playing with each other, but in comparing their own experiences with ours. The board therefore encourages all members to integrate them into the running courses in an open, friendly and uncomplicated way.

Mario König
Treasurer of TCU




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